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Lockfiles for apps, not packages (still)

TL;DR: My updated take is Lockfiles for Node.js apps, not for other projects. When you run npm install, after you add or change a dependency in package.json, npm finds and selects the latest compatible version, downloads it, and replaces your package-lock.json file to describe what it found. The npm install command does not consider lockfiles…

Browser adoption rates

For two years in 2020 and 2021, I shared Wikipedia’s worldwide browser statistics on Mastodon under #browserstats. They looked a little something like this: As the data includes the browser’s major version, I wondered whether I could use this to follow the adoption rate through each browser’s release cycle. The short answer is… Yes! Here…

📎 Krinkle Treasure Hunt

I miss the era of very Internet-y things, geocities-style scavenger hunts, with easter eggs and all. So, I devised a treasure hunt of my own!

📎 Interview on Uses This

Today, yours truly got to add his bit.

Many dots, do not a query make

How a long sequence of dots allowed a regex to reach its internal stack limit.

To throw or not to throw, that is the question

Why does software accept invalid data? And, at what software layer should we reject it? Also, what are “namespaces” and “special pages” on Wikipedia?

Tomorrow, may be sooner than you think

These are short stories from bug hunts and incident investigations at Wikipedia.

Missing partitions, disappearing audio players, and extreme packet loss

These are short stories from bug hunts and incident investigations at Wikipedia.

Six years of BrowseHappy

Six years ago (in 2012), I was looking for a newsletter about browser releases. At the time, my motivation was to remember to regularly check and update the jQuery TestSwarm framework as needed for each new browser release. I found a simple overview at, run by WordPress. Lacking RSS, I decided to simply check…

The word “rebuke”

re·buke verb express sharp disapproval or criticism of (someone) because of their behavior or actions “she had rebuked him for drinking too much“ “the judge publicly rebuked the jury“ noun an expression of sharp disapproval or criticism “he hadn’t meant it as a rebuke, but Neil flinched“ (from the Oxford English Dictionary) I ran into the…