These are short stories from bug hunts and incident investigations at Wikipedia.
New database partition
A user reported a timeout error for certain queries from the Public log viewer on
Database administrator Manuel Aróstegui investigated the underlying query and found that it was slow (and timing out) due to one of the database replicas having an unpartitioned logging
Our database servers carry labels that the MediaWiki application can ask for, alongside a SQL query. This allows replicas to be finely tuned to specific workloads. In particular, when two optimisations strategies are mutually exclusive. The labelling system allows both strategies to be applied, on different database servers. MediaWiki then decides which one is most important for that query.
Partioning the MediaWiki logging
table is one such optimisation strategy. For queries in the Public logs that focus on actions by a specific user, we route the query to replicas where the logging
table is partioned by user ID. This is in addition to a regular index on the user ID column for that table, which we have on all replicas.
As first response, the faulty server was taken out of rotation. Re-partitioning was completed later that day.
Mystery of Disappearing Audio Players
Routine triaging of PHP errors led to discovery of the following:
[PHP Notice] Undefined index: 'c9ndx98du2.ogg'
at mediawiki/extensions/Score/includes/Score.php:L507
The Score extension for MediaWiki provides a way to produce image and audio files from music notation (backed by LilyPond). The extension registers a wikitext tag that allows editors to create and embed music on Wikipedia pages.
The “Undefined index” warning from PHP happens when code tries to access a non-existent key from an associative array. For example: $x = array( 'foo' => 1 ); return $x['bar'];
. When this happens, the PHP engine implicitly returns the null
value. PHP also emits a notice to the error log channel. We feed that into Logstash and Kibana.
“PHP Notice” errors are not uncommon and can sometimes even cause (by accident) the correct behaviour. For example, if the code involves a condition like if ($x['bar']) { … } else { … }
. Our error will produce the null
value, which casts to false
, and we proceed to the else
branch. If the bar
key is meant to be optional here, and if the else
branch correctly handles the scenario for when it is not set, then this code might already behave correctly. A simple fix would then be to expand the condition to first assert that the key exists. Thus preventing the warning message, but otherwise behaving the same.
Back to our investigation; The response was led by volunteer @Ebe123 who is also the lead maintainer of the Score extension.
First, we did some exploratory testing to see if there were any defects we could find with the feature. On the various Wikipedia articles we tested it on, the audio player seemed to work fine.
Back to the error we found on the backend, we traced it to the code responsible for adding the “duration” metadata (used by the audio player). The code for computing this duration stores it in an array, and later reads it. However, these two functions were not using the same logic to create their array key. As such, it was unable to find the duration, and did not add it to the audio player. While this is bad, it appeared to not affect the audio player. It worked and even displayed the correct duration in the interface!
Ebe123 wrote a patch that corrects the key string logic. The duration value is then correctly found in the array and passed on in the way the code originally intended.
During code review, we also looked at why this code existed in the first place (because the player appeared to work fine without it). The code was introduced several years ago in an attempt to fix a bug where the player loaded very slowly for some users. The story is that our multimedia framework needs the duration information before it can start playing back audio. And, for most file types, the framework is able to compute this on its own in the backend and hand it to the audio player ahead of time. However, handler did not support computing durations for files with the audio/ogg
MIME-type (which the Score extension uses).
When no duration is given ahead of time, web browsers have a fallback strategy. They attempt to download the track regardless, wait for it to fully arrive, then look at how many seconds it contains audio for, and use that as the duration value. This means the audio would not start playing until after it was fully downloaded. No streaming!
In our isolated testing we were playing relatively short audio clips using a high-bandwidth connection. Thus, the issue was not obvious to us.
We also found a separate bug report from a few months earlier where several users reported that when pressing “Play” the player would dissappear for 5-20 seconds before audio starts playing.
It all makes sense now.
Losing packets on the way to Logstash
I noticed that for recent bug reports with Error IDs, I was unable to find the associated error report in Logstash. I could also reproduce this for bugs I had reported myself.
In the event of an internal server error, MediaWiki sends a detailed error report to Logstash. MediaWiki then displays an error page to the user, where it mentions the “Error ID”.
Tim Starling (Platform Architect at Wikimedia) started investigating. He created a new Grafana dashboard and the culprit was quickly identified. Over 3000 UDP packets were being dropped at the Logstash servers, every second. That’s over 90% of its total packets – lost!
As first mitigation, he rebooted the server, quadrupled the default receive buffer size (net.core.rmem_default
in the Linux kernel) to 4MB, and rebooted it again.

The first reboot significantly improved throughput (from 10% success, to 25% success), but the receive buffer change didn’t have any positive effect and we were still dropping the remaining 75% of packets.
To recap, the buffer was now large enough to accomodate 3 seconds worth of messages which should be enough margin for Logstash to process it. Short spikes aside, it’s unlikely that allowing more stalling would help, because new packets are constantly added to the buffer as well.
Filippo Giunchedi (Site Reliability Engineering team) jumped in and noticed that the workers.pipeline
setting was explicitly set to 1
, thus allowing Logstash to only use a single thread to process all the messages. This was configured several years earlier (commit) to workaround a problem with the Logstash Multiline plugin; This plugin wasn’t thread-safe and would corrupt logs if activated across multiple threads.
Filippo determined we no longer needed this plugin, disabled it, and allowed the default workers.pipeline
setting to take effect – which is to use the number of available CPU cores as the number of threads.
This, together with the 4MB receive buffer Kernel setting, dropped the packet loss rate back to zero.
– Task T200960, Grafana dashboard: Logstash
Originally published in the August 2018 edition of the Production Excellence newsletter at Wikimedia. This article is an expanded version of that.